


佩因大学 shall build on its Methodist heritage to achieve recognition as a premier liberal arts institution of higher education.



佩因大学 Mission Statement is reflective of the nature and purpose of the institution as a church-related liberal arts institution providing a high caliber education. The Mission Statement reflects the founding goals of the college and it is comprehensive in establishing the institution as grounded in Methodism and providing a basis for the institution's operational foci. 该报表是最新的,因为它是定期审查的, evaluated and approved by the governing body with appropriate input from its various constituencies. 使命也坚定地将学院与圣经基金会声明联系在一起.

佩因大学 is a private institution steeped in the te网s of Methodism that provides a liberal arts education of the highest quality. 学院强调学术卓越, 道德和精神价值, 社会责任, and personal development to prepare spiritually-centered men and women for positions of leadership and service.





十大赌博平台排行榜的管理人员, 教师, and staff are committed to instruction and 研究 that ensures the transfer of knowledge that develops critical thinking skills in the individual learner. The college also sets high standards and expectations in all other aspects of its functioning – programs, 人员, 和基础设施.


学院社区拥抱, 庆祝, and promotes the unique qualities and characteristics that make us what we are as individuals and as an institution.




学院的所有员工和学生都必须谨慎理财. Our fundraising and spending must be motivated by an awareness of where we are fiscally and supported with well-documented objectives.


所有的人都以礼貌的方式对待,诚实,反应迅速,效率高. 发展利他主义使大学社区能够以有利于社会的方式行事.


2020 - 2025年战略目标和目标



战略目标1. 加强和扩展学术课程

Devise and implement flexible curricula that incorporate emerging developments in 社会 and technical 实践 and innovation, 这包括多元社会的许多观点. Provide priority academic and professional development opportunities for residents of the region. 通过不同的教学策略和技术实现实践机会, 包括实习, practica, 研究, and public service experiences that expose students to the myriad of emerging thought and practice. 让学生在研究生院和专业学校以及工作岗位上做好竞争准备.

战略目标G1-OA. 加强各重点项目和重点领域建设.

战略目标G1-OB. 设计和实施新的专业/课程.

战略目标G1-OC. Establish an organizational structure that is academically compatible for major programs and is economically defensible and responsible.

战略目标G1-OD. 为选定的项目寻求国家和/或专业认证.

战略目标G1-OE. 开发和实施在线课程和认证.

战略目标G1-OF. 设计和实施研究生课程.

战略目标G1-OG. 设计并实施正式的教师发展计划.

战略目标2. Promote student success by strengthening recruitment, enrollment, retention, and graduation rates

招生质量, 高水平的学生参与度, student success and student awareness of global citizenship will be achieved through strategic development of student behaviors, 实践, 习惯, 和参与.  Institutional programs and services will be expanded to prepare students with the necessary skills to be fully engaged, 成功的, 全球学习者完成机构的使命.

战略目标G2-OA. 招生办公室将重新集中精力增加入学人数.

战略目标G2-OB. 到2025年增加25%的入学人数. (2020-2025年每年5%)

战略目标G2-OC. 在2020-2025年期间,每年将第一年的保留率提高5%.

战略目标G2-OD. 到2025年将毕业率提高50%.

战略目标G2-OE. 通过实施服务性学习提高学生的参与度.

战略目标3. 改善基础设施和创新

Improve the College's infrastructure needs to support strategic goals by providing enhanced educational experiences both inside and outside the classrooms as well as providing the needed technologies and facilities to support the 佩因大学 Community.

战略目标G3-OA. 升级第一层布线 

战略目标G3-OB. 将Jenzabar更新为托管解决方案

战略目标G3-OC. 将互联网服务提供商(ISP)升级到每秒1千兆比特(GBPS)的ISP

战略目标G3-OD. 将comcast电缆升级为IP T.V.  IP(互联网协议)

战略目标4. 设施增强

Land acquisition will provide the College with assets for growth and expansion to meet future education and administrative needs. Acquire land for to accommodate future growth and expansion of academic facilities as necessary. 实施综合规划,提高校园景观呈现的美学效果. 消除校园内与景观和硬景观相关的危害. 确定并优先处理能源丢失或效率低下的问题区域. 改善整体环境条件和学生学习体验. To provide the College with a definitive guide for growth and expansion based on present future needs for expansion and renovations.

战略目标G4-OA. Develop and implement a plan for strategic land acquisition (purchase and/or donated property within one to three miles radius)

战略目标G4-OB. 制定学术设施资源购置计划

战略目标G4-OC. 建立和实施校园美化战略

战略目标G4-OD. 建立和实施“绿色”政策和做法

战略目标G4-OE. Utilize School Dude to manage and track service work orders to consistently meet or exceed completions rates as outlined in the preventative Maintenance plan. 

战略目标G4-OF. 更新学院总体规划,以确定建议的改进,增强和扩展.

战略目标5. 校园警察与安全

To create an environment through comprehensive programs and administrative policies and procedures that is responsive to the personal, 社会, 学生的情感和身体需求, 教职员工.

战略目标G5-OA. To ensure a campus environment that is safe and conducive to optimum learning by improving the Campus Police and Security staff through an ongoing, 对现有员工和新员工进行全面的强制性培训.

战略目标G5-OB. 维持及加强预防罪案、保安及安全

战略目标6. 加强财务运作

Strengthen the College's financial operations and planning system by maintaining a stable balance between resources and spending through the coordination, 集成, 并对年度计划进行监督, 评估和预算流程, 从而, 产生财政上有偿付能力的操作.

战略目标G6-OA. 改进会计和采购程序

战略目标7. 富有成效的伙伴关系(“朋友”养育)

好友筹集会影响晋升办公室的筹款能力. Getting to know people and developing healthy relationships with potential donors and current donors lead to sizable donations and healthy partnerships that are beneficial to all parties involved. 除了捐款,捐赠者可以分享的最有价值的商品是健康的关系.

战略目标G7-OA. 通过战略合作伙伴关系增加收入

战略目标G7-OB. 增加社区参与校园活动

战略目标G7-OC 增加与政府的战略协议, 业务, 以及带动资源开发的产业

战略目标G7-OD. 增加捐赠奖学金的数量 

战略目标8. 在稳定招生的基础上预测“适当规模”的劳动力

实现和保持财务稳定是十大赌博平台排行榜的主要目标. 同时检查来自多个来源的数据和信息, 十大赌博平台排行榜的管理人员 determined that it was time to operate the College more from a 业务 perspective. 十大赌博平台排行榜已经开始实施一项商业计划,其目的是 to establish a short-term and long-term plan that balances out operations with projected income to eliminate deficit spending and grow the endowment. It also calls for stabilizing the enrollment and operating primarily within a budget based primarily on tuition and fees.

战略目标G8-OA. 通过讨论和数据分析, arrive at projected enrollment numbers projected out three years for adequate plan implementation.

战略目标G8-OB. Project a budget figure on which 教师 size informs enrollment necessities and enrollment drives 教师 size.

战略目标G8-OC. 在预算的制定上, the percentage attributed to fundraising in the determination of projected income shall not exceed more than the average of the prior three (3) years.


潘恩大学董事会通过了 战略计划 包括10月24日的战略目标及其行动基准, 2020, 追溯至七月一日, 2020.

