


佩因大学 was founded by the leadership of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, 现在的联合卫理公会教堂, and the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, now Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. 潘恩 was the brainchild of Bishop 卢修斯Henry Holsey, who first expressed the idea for the College in 1869. Bishop Holsey asked leaders in the ME Church South to help establish a school to train Negro teachers and preachers so that they might in turn appropriately address the educational and spiritual needs of the people newly freed from the evils of slavery. Leaders in the ME Church South agreed, and 潘恩 Institute came into being. 

11月1日, 1882, 潘恩大学董事会, 由六名成员组成, 每个教会各派三名, 第一次见面. They agreed to name the school in honor of the late Bishop Robert 潘恩 of the MECS who had helped to organize the CME Church. In December, the Trustees selected Dr. Morgan Callaway as the first President of the College and enlarged the Board from six to ni网een members, drawing its new membership from communities outside of Georgia so that the enterprise might not be viewed as exclusively local. 

Bishop Holsey traveled throughout the Southeast seeking funds for the new school. On December 12, 1882, he presented the Trustees of 潘恩 Institute with $7.15 from the Virginia Conference and $8.85人来自南乔治亚会议. 在同一个月, 阿提克斯·海古德牧师, 南方基督教会的牧师, 给2美元,000 to support President Callaway through the first year. 因此, a $2,000 gift from a white minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church South and $16 raised by a CME minister – penny by penny from former slaves - became the financial basis for the founding of 佩因大学. 

In 1883, a Charter of Incorporation for The 潘恩 Institute was granted, and the Trustees elected Dr. George Williams Walker as its first teacher. In January 1884, classes began in rented quarters located on Broad Street in downtown Augusta. 12月28日, 1884, the Reverend George Williams Walker was elected President of 潘恩 Institute following the resignation of Reverend Callaway. In 1886, the College moved to its present site on Fifteenth Street. 

The year 1888 was a very significant one for 佩因大学. 摩西阁下. Payne, an MECS minister from Missouri, 给2美元5,000 to 潘恩 for the endowment. 也是在1888年,理事W. A. Candler presented a resolution to the Trustees authorizing President Walker to employ John Wesley Gilbert, 潘恩's first student and first graduate, to become the first Black member of the faculty. 聘用先生. Gilbert launched 潘恩's continuing tradition of having a biracial faculty. President Walker died in 1910 after having headed 潘恩 for twenty-six years. The 潘恩 Institute began with a high school component and gradually developed a college department. 最初, advanced students received special instruction on an individual basis, but by 1903 sufficient college-level work was provided to justify changing the school's name to The 佩因大学. 潘恩 continued its high school department until 1945, because there was no public secondary school for Blacks in Augusta until that year.I-3 Source: 潘恩 大学目录 and the Inter网 (General\历史) Under the leadership of 总统Edmund Clarke Peters, 1929-1956, 佩因大学 was accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary 学校 as a Class "B" institution in 1931 and then as a Class "A" institution in 1945. 

总统E. Clayton Calhoun served as President from 1956 to 1970. 在他的领导下, 潘恩 was approved by the University Senate of The Methodist Church in 1959, and the College was admitted to full membership in the Southern Association of Colleges and 学校 in 1961. Dr. 卢修斯H. Pitts was elected President of 佩因大学 in 1971. He was the first alumnus and first Black President of the College. 他于1974年在办公室去世. Dr. 朱利叶斯年代. 斯科特,小. served as President of the College on two separate occasions: 1975 to 1982 and 1988 to 1994. 潘恩大学的校友. William Harris, served during the period of 1982 to 1988. 1994年,博士. 雪莉一. R. Lewis became 佩因大学's first female President. Dr. 乔治·C. Bradley was appointed fourteenth President of the College on January 1, 2008 and served until September 2014. 董事会任命Dr. Samuel Sullivan Interim President in September 2014 and later elevated Dr. Sullivan于2016年6月担任总裁.

In June 2017, the Board of Trustees appointed Dr. 杰里·L. Hardee to lead the College into a new era.  在Dr. Hardee's tenure, the College witnessed over $1.500万美元的装修费用, revitalized signature fundraising events that were on hiatus, re-activated the 校友关系 Office and the College's Bookstore while introducing new publications and offerings for students. Dr. Jerry Hardee任职至2019年6月.

Dr. Cheryl Evans Jones was named acting President in July 2019 and President in October 2019 at the fall meeting of the Board of Trustees.

学院仍然是一所文理学院, 男女合校的, 著名的提供宗教处所学校, gratefully related to its founding denominations and open to all.   

