


通讯办公室 & 市场部负责监督网站的活动日程. The purpose of the calendar is to keep the 佩因大学 community and the constituents of 佩因大学 abreast of activities at the College.

如果您希望将十大赌博平台排行榜的活动添加到十大赌博平台排行榜中,请填写 申请服务表格.





  • 提高公众对书院活动及服务的认识.
  • 提高公众对教师和学生成就的认识.
  • 提高对学院提供的特别课程或服务的认识.



The director is responsible for writing and issuing all 佩因大学 新闻稿, 包括新闻公报. Any departments that need to promote a new initiative or event should complete a 公共关系 Print, 宣传及摄影申请表格. Individuals are encouraged to draft a Press Release and forward it to the director who will ensure that the release is approved by all relevant parties and is issued to the media. The director may re-write any draft that comes to him/her to ensure that it suits the requirements of the media. No 佩因大学 新闻稿 should be issued to the media without liaising with the director first.



Quotes are devices to make the Press Release more interesting to read and to back up the information in the Press Release. In most cases, the individuals directly involved with the activity should provide quotes. 在某些情况下, it may be appropriate for just a director or a student to be quoted - and in a few instances where the Press Release is only aiming to provide a brief announcement or statement, 不需要报价.



There must be contact details on the Press Release to enable the media to go to someone for more information. This should include anyone quoted in the Press Release; however, it is essential that the individual submitting the release let the director know whether they will be available at the time of the issuing of the Press Release. All contacts must make themselves available to the media for the first point of contact and let the director know when the media contacts them and the nature of the call.

如果你想联系通讯办公室 & 营销创建新闻稿,请填写一个 申请服务表格




通讯办公室 & 市场部将协助你们部门进行计划, 宣传册的开发和撰写, 通讯和其他出版物. The office will work with Central Processing to coordinate the design of your publication. 和, 如果你的出版物必须在校外印刷, the Office of Central Processing will assist in finding the best price at a local printer. 确保你的项目成功, 请在需要出版的时间前至少六(6)周通知我们.

与通讯办公室合作 & 市场营销 in the development of printed materials ensures the publications will meet with the standards and guidelines established to maintain the College's image.

通讯办公室 & 市场营销 provides consistency of information and style and ensures that public information about 佩因大学 is:

  • 清晰、简洁、准确
  • 满足各学术部门和行政单位的要求
  • 符合乔治亚州独立学院基金会的要求
  • 反映学院的使命和愿景.

不管你是否使用通讯办公室 & 营销来开发你的材料, all publications geared toward external audiences must get written approval from the Office of Communications & 印刷前的营销.

联系通讯办公室 & 更多关于出版物的营销信息.marketing@潘恩.edu 或者填写 申请服务表格.




摄影服务是预约的,可以为课堂活动提供, 事件, 表演, 体育和肖像. 只有一个摄影师, 日程安排可能是个问题, 因此,提前通知将有助于确保你的要求得到满足. Please provide at least two (2) weeks notice prior to your scheduled event/photo session. 所有的摄影都是数码的. It is very important to know the intended use of your photographs to insure an appropriate image resolution. Images intended for web page use or computer presentations do not require the same resolution as images destined for printing. 从网页复制的图像不适合印刷出版物. 如果您知道想要用于打印项目的特定图像, please call to obtain a high-resolution version of the image appropriate for the intended output.

如果照片需要检查, 一个基于网络的图片库可以使用,而不需要打印的校样. 图片库 (毕加索).
After completion of the photography session: Photographs will be included in the online photo gallery. 通讯办公室 & 市场部不提供印刷品.

联系通讯办公室 & 更多关于摄影的营销信息. (marketing@潘恩.edu) 或者填写 申请服务表格.




通讯办公室 & 市场营销 writes all news releases pertaining to 佩因大学 and distributes them to the media through an online distribution service. We are able to immediately distribute releases locally, statewide, or across the nation.

如果你正在计划一个重大事件, 请记得附上通讯办公室的代表 & 市场营销 in your planning sessions so that we may assist you with advance and day-of coverage of the event. 确保你的活动得到应有的关注, its good to give at least six (6) weeks notice prior to your scheduled campaign/event.

此外,通讯办公室 & 营销人员:

  • Develops and maintains a relationship with the media, keeping in contact on a daily basis.
  • 讲述关于十大赌博平台排行榜及其教职员工和学生的故事.
  • 协助媒体对学院的报道.
  • 帮助媒体找到校园专家,在新闻中引用问题.




  • 即将举行的文化活动,如音乐会、戏剧、阅读、讲座、展览.
  • 授予教职员工和学生的表彰公告.
  • 宣布新的学位或课程.
  • 授予十大赌博平台排行榜教师或项目的补助金公告.
  • 十大赌博平台排行榜教授的活动, 工作人员, 学生在校外参与的活动可能会成为特色.

联系通讯办公室 & 有关媒体关系的更多信息. marketing@潘恩.edu 或者填写 申请服务表格.




通讯办公室 & 市场部负责监督学院的整体广告和营销活动. The office negotiates for general advertising aimed at promoting the College's image in publications aimed at prospective students and their parents.

The office will also assist individual departments who may wish to place advertisements to promote specific programs or classes. 如果一个部门希望购买广告,学院传播将:

  • 与通讯总监会面 & 市场营销决定最好的, 最经济的推广方法(广播), 电视或印刷品, 例如.)
  • 协助策划、撰写和设计广告.
  • 与报纸或电台协商,以获得最优惠的价格.
  • 协商广告的位置,以确保广告的最佳可见性.

联系通讯办公室 & 有关广告/市场营销的更多信息. (marketing@潘恩.edu) 或者填写 申请服务表格.




All areas of the College may request a web presence on the official 佩因大学 website, www.潘恩.通过通讯办公室。edu & 市场营销. 一般来说,部门、部门或办公用品的内容. 然而,如果有内容,你需要帮助,我们将很乐意协助.

该网站主要用作公共关系, 营销和信息工具,以吸引和留住合格的学生, faculty and 工作人员 but also serves as an information and communications avenue for the campus community. The website should provide information that benefits our campus community by improving the day-to-day business functions of the College and strengthening our methods of communication.


电话初步谘询, 电子邮件, or in person to discuss your ideas for a website and what might be the best approach for establishing your web pages.

联系通讯办公室 & 有关广告/市场营销的更多信息. marketing@潘恩.edu 或者填写 申请服务表格.




通讯办公室 and 市场营销 is responsible for maintaining the digital monitoring system in Candler Memorial 图书馆 Building, Haygood-Holsey大厅, 彼得斯校园中心和柯林斯卡拉威图书馆. 有关项目推广的信息, 在十大赌博平台排行榜的活动和活动是可以接受和鼓励的. 有时,这个标志也被用来宣传奥古斯塔社区的活动. 一般来说,消息会持续到活动当天.


  • 传单必须以jpg文件提交.
  • 图片必须以jpg格式提交. GIF, TIF, PNG文件将不被接受.
  • 接受微软PowerPoint幻灯片.
  • 至少在活动前两周提交服务请求表.

所有提交的作品将在发布前进行审查. 如果提交未被批准, a representative from the Office of Communications and 市场营销 will notify you by 电子邮件. If a submission is approved, it will be uploaded to the 数字监控系统 on Monday.

Students must attach their 学生活动 Digital Monitor Approval Form with appropriate approval signatures before the Office of Communications and 市场营销 approves it for upload to the digital monitoring system.


联系通讯办公室 & 有关广告/市场营销的更多信息. marketing@潘恩.edu 或者填写 申请服务表格.

